Cat - Symbol of Wholeness, Independence, Curiosity, Many Lives, Cleverness, Love, Mystery & Magic
In Egypt cats were treated like royalty and were always given special privileges. The Egyptian Goddess Bastet takes the form of a cat. Due to their x-ray vision, acute hearing and high intelligence they were used throughout history as guardians and protectors. In ancient Egypt, cats guarded the temple gates and were used to fend off evil. In Scandinavia the cat was used to represent fertility. The cat is associated with the Norse Goddess of Fertility Freya, and the Hindu Goddess of Childbirth, Shasthi. It is also a symbol of childbirth in India. Witches, in days long gone, were believed to have the ability to shape shift into cats. It was also believed that cats were their familiars. Cats are extremely independent and combine a high degree of sensuality with a deeply psychic and spiritual nature. It is impossible to own a cat. They may allow you to take care of them and give them love, but only on their terms. Cats come and go as and when they wish to. Cat's medicine includes independence, unpredictability, healing, curiosity, many lives, magic, mystery, cleverness, the ability to fight when cornered, seeing the unseen, allows us to dream its dreams and protection. Love is represented by the cat. Cats have more rods in the retinas of their eyes which enable them to see very well in the dark. Darkness is often associated with mankind's fears. Since the cat is at home in the dark, it is a highly valuable ally into the world of the supernatural and the unknown. If cat is your power animal, you may have found an excellent assistant in moving through your fears. If cat appears in your life the blending of magic and mystery is close by. Like the cat, you too are independent and a free thinker. At night you probably feel energized. You will stay with a person or situation until you are bored - and then you're off again looking for something more interesting. Cat encourages agility in both body and mind. You will be presented with new ideas and places. The cat gives you clearer perception. You have good organizational skills. The cat teaches us that the physical and spiritual worlds are not separate, but one, and is a good assistant for meditation. A resourceful, strong and fearless spirit guide lending you courage and confidence. Examine the colors, character and behavior of the cat that has entered your life. Everything about it will be mirrored in your own life. The energy field of a cat rotates is a counter-clockwise direction, which is the opposite of a human energy field. Thus, cats have the ability to absorb and neutralize energy that affects humans in a negative way. This is part of the cats healing medicine. If something is affecting you in a negative way, place a cat on your lap or find a cat to pet. Your energy field will be realigned immediately and inner balance will be restored. Cat is a trustworthy teacher, guiding you into the world of self-discovery and transformation.
Cheetah - Symbol of Focus & Accelerating Time
Cheetah's medicine includes - speed and focus, brotherhood, elusiveness, ability to focus intently on something for a short period of time, swiftness, self-esteem, accelerating time, keenness of sight Different to other felines, who stalk, then swiftly jump on their prey for the kill, cheetahs, the fastest animals alive, run down their prey. The lesson to be learned here, the inspiration, is to fulfill our goals with speed and focus. When we feel stuck, cheetah energy can help us spring into motion. If we are moving with great speed but with little direction, cheetah medicine can help us to keep our eyes on our goals, to focus, and to find the most direct way of achieving them. Sometimes we must carefully consider all aspects of a plan to reach a goal. At other times, it may be necessary to be flexible and adaptable in rehashing plans. However, sometimes the most important thing to do is to act with both speed and focus. The goal is almost reached, but continually putting something off, or lack of clarity keeps one from accomplishing it. It is at times like this that cheetah medicine is extremely valuable. There is more wisdom to be taken from the cheetah's actions - there are those who want to accomplish their goals but who may take on too many goals at one time. Though the cheetah is able to reach speeds of up to 63 miles per hour, it can only maintain this incredible speed for a short period of time. Afterwards, it must rest for around 15 minutes. The cheetah period of rest teaches us that intense activity should always be followed by a time of rest, relaxation, and contemplation.
Chinchilla - Symbol of Effective Communication
Chinchillas belong to the rodent family and have big eyes, round ears and a dense, silky smooth coat. Their curiosity is incessant and never ending; they want to discover the smallest corner of their environment and like to sit up high as if to watch the world from above. Once feeling safe in their surroundings they investigate them with an air of innocence and adventure. Sadly because of their lovely coats they are caught, imprisoned and bred by the fur industry. Over 100 chinchillas are used for one coat. Again, sadly, because of the demand of chinchilla fur, it may soon become extinct. With their keen observational skills, the chinchilla knows impulsively when to act or withdraw. This teaches us the importance if timing, if you are a chinchilla person you will intuitively know just when to act and the right course of action to take. However, don’t become over-analytical. Finding the equilibrium between observation skills and an air of innocence is a valuable lesson. Chinchillas are naturally robust with a delicate yet effective digestive system made to get the most out of food. But, as they do not have a vomit mechanism they cannot get rid of bad food. If this is your power animal, take this as a warning that high quality nutrition as well as exercise are a must to maintain optimum health. Difficulty in ridding the body of toxins can be the cause of many health problems. To communicate the chinchilla mainly uses a variety of sounds. Each sound is a specific message - when upset teeth chattering, when nervous a shrill squeal, when distressed a succession of loud cries, when hungry a rasp like growl. They know how to use their voice to communicate, showing us the art of doing so efficiently. The chinchilla is a harbinger, and we should give it due respect and pay attention to the advice it brings. If you decide to listen you will be served well. Though they hold a variety of messages, one thing is for sure - if they come into your life there is bound to be something out of balance that needs correcting right away.
Some questions to ask yourself if chinchilla enters your life:
Do you communicate well with others? Do you need to pay more attention to your health? Do you need to be more clear sighted to elude sticky situations? Do you still marvel at the magic of life? By over analyzing an event do you take the pleasure away from it? Do you use your observational skills to assist you in obtaining your goals?
Cockroach/Beetle/Palmetto Bug - Symbol of Survival
Cockroach teaches the art of adaptability and ultimate survival instincts under any conditions making this creature an emotional and spiritual shapeshifter. He will teach perseverance and tenacity along with going with the flow of events. Cockroach applies determination and fortitude to survive in any event. The wisdom of Cockroach teaches how to keep in touch with the world around you, shows how to strengthen the vitality and the quickness of movement, ability to discern when and how to move, and make use of available resources. Are you looking into the recesses of spirit for Answers? Are you digging enough to find what is hidden? Are you adapting to recent circumstances as well as you could? It is time for cockroach to teach you the art of adapting and finding what is hidden. The Cockroach also teaches us how to use what we have available to us for survival, to clean out the dead and useless aspects of our lives. When the Cockroach appears as a totem, our sensitivity to subtle changes will be magnified. We will have the power to scurry out of danger. People with this totem often find that they had an abbreviated childhood – a premature movement into adulthood, the necessity to take on early responsibility. Although often seen as a disgusting animal, the Cockroach is actually a gifted teacher in the art of survival and successful adaptability, especially in environment that may seem a bit hostile. Cockroaches are beetles and bring the energy of beetles as well. Beetles aid in transformation, metamorphosis, resurrection and rebirth – rebirth of the soul to a new spiritual ideal and renewed devotion. This animal teaches harmony in the coming changes but utilizing your intuitive abilities and teaches discernment where you need it most. Beetles have a protective quality that will aid in the ability to socialize and communicate effectively by illuminating problems and situations in the correct perspective. Are you eating correctly? Now is the time to examine eating habits. Can you identify which stage of development you are in egg/larva/pupa/adult? Is it time to fly or walk in life? Beetle will teach persistence with charm, trust in the process, proper movement and actions which allows regeneration of your spirit to prosper.
Coyote - Symbol of Wisdom, Family Orientation & Illumination
Coyote's medicine includes understanding that all things are sacred and that yet nothing is sacred, teaching us that only when all masks have fallen will we connect with the source, illumination, stealth, intelligence, singing humans into being, childhood trust in truth, teaching us how to raise our young, they bring rain, give one the ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes, placing the North Star, shape-shifting, teaching balance between risk and safety, trickster, devilment, cunning, wisdom, folly. Among some native tribes, coyote is referred to as the trickster and there are many tales about the coyote. They are known as the great one and the foolish one - they don’t consciously try and trick us, rather they reflect back to us our own capacity for being clever and stupidity. When we are being too serious about life, Coyote may appear to teach us to laugh at ourselves and life’s ironies. Be prepared for your sense of humor to arise in full force in line with what is happening around you and to you. They also remind us that whatever we do to others will be done to us. You get back what you give out… The Coyote teaches how wisdom and folly go together. In others mistakes we see our own foolishness and can learn from their mistakes. The coyote’s energy is linked to simplicity and trust, spurring renewed innocence and a childlike wisdom in the world. Coyote's howl touches your soul, reminding you of your primal connections. People with this power animal adapt easily to new situations. They also usually have close families, especially when children are involved. Coyotes normally mate for life. They reside in the sides of hills or in underground dens where their family is pretty much safe. Coyote people will sometimes go to extremes to protect and nurture family members. Sharp cutting words that hurt another should be avoided. Energy bursts are common if this is your power animal, balanced action is necessary for overall well-being. Coyote medicine people often put other peoples’ needs before their own - remember to give to yourself equally. Although they prefer open grassland and thinly wooded brush, they are able to adapt to almost any environment. This means that they have been able to survive and flourish, growing in numbers - in spite of humans interference who for a long time have been trying to wipe out coyotes by trapping, shooting or poisoning them. Condors and other birds have instead almost become extinct from eating poisoned meat! When hunting prey, the coyotes don’t use speed, but rather they pounce and snap their jaws. If coyote enters your life, you must look at something you have been avoiding. They are mirrors for the lessons we must learn so we are able to walk a good sacred road. The mirror will be held up incessantly until we finally get the picture. Like coyote, we can either work with others to get what we want, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can dispel troubles or invite them carelessly. If you are stuck in a rut, call on coyote as an ally for negotiation. Or be grateful that he showed you a trap that you are caught in, or a way that you are fooling yourself. Powerful teachers when it comes to relationships coyotes are, as it is when we are in a relationship that we often fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out to get us, but to teach us, whether we are willing students or not.
Crow - Symbol of Sacred Law & Change
Many cultures consider crows to be the keepers of the Sacred Law, for nothing escapes their keen sight. To have a Crow as a power animal is extremely powerful stuff. When we meditate on the crow and align with it, we are instilled with the wisdom to know ourselves beyond the limitations of one-dimensional thinking and laws. We are taught to appreciate the many dimensions of both reality and ourselves, and to learn to trust our intuition and personal integrity. Crows often appear in groups, and though there seems to be no variation in their caw-ing to each other, each caw actually has a different meaning. Their complex vocabulary is one sign of their intelligence, and is also a sign of their significance as power animals. When a crow explores something new, others watch closely to see what happens and then learn from it. They often make great noise when hunters are around, warning deer and other birds. Crows recognize potential danger and hence always post lookouts when feeding. This is their most vulnerable time. This helps us understand that we must watch what we believe, to test our habitual ideas about reality against a more universal standard. Without paying careful attention, we are unable to understand the language of crows, this signifies the fact that we can't always see beyond our own cultural limitations. These limitations include certain moral codes of right and wrong, along with 'rules' that accompany these codes. Throughout history there have been many (unnecessary) conflicts and wars between humans due to differing moral and religious beliefs. To truly create a new age of love, peace and harmony it is of high importance for us to be able to transcend our particular cultural limitations and to hold in our hearts and souls what we share as spiritual beings in human form. We are all connected, infinitely and composed of the same 'stuff'. We need to realize that hurting others only hurts ourselves. Crow is the bird which represents this transcendence. Crow can also teach us to be mindful about judging people automatically. Be mindful of your opinions and actions. You need to walk your talk, to speak your truth and to know your life's mission. Again, trust your intuition and personal integrity, to create your own standards, whether or not they match those of the world around you. Be an individual, think for yourself, and don’t necessarily follow the crowd! In the courting process the male crow's voice takes on a singing quality. This lets us see what the basis of sacred law is, unconditional love, the one unfailing principle by which we can test our own principles. Crow is an omen of change. Crows live in the void and have no sense of time, therefore being able to see past, present and future simultaneously. They unite both the light and the dark, both the inner and the outer. Crow is the totem of the Great Spirit and must be held with utmost respected. They are representations of creation and spiritual strength. Crows are messengers, telling us about the creation and magic all around us, that is available to us just for the asking. Look for opportunities to bring into being the magic of life. The striking black color of the crow represents the color of creation. It is the womb out of which the new comes into existence. Black is the color of the night, giving birth to the light of a new day. Crows are sly and can be deceptive in their actions. They have been known to build false nests high in treetops to confuse predators. Their nests are built very high up, giving them the chance to watch everything that is going on around them. As crows are adaptable to all environments and will eat almost anything, they can survive in almost any situation. Crow is surrounded by magic, unseen forces and spiritual strength. If crow enters your life, get out of your familiar nest, look beyond your present range of vision, listen to the message(s) in its caw and act accordingly.
In Egypt cats were treated like royalty and were always given special privileges. The Egyptian Goddess Bastet takes the form of a cat. Due to their x-ray vision, acute hearing and high intelligence they were used throughout history as guardians and protectors. In ancient Egypt, cats guarded the temple gates and were used to fend off evil. In Scandinavia the cat was used to represent fertility. The cat is associated with the Norse Goddess of Fertility Freya, and the Hindu Goddess of Childbirth, Shasthi. It is also a symbol of childbirth in India. Witches, in days long gone, were believed to have the ability to shape shift into cats. It was also believed that cats were their familiars. Cats are extremely independent and combine a high degree of sensuality with a deeply psychic and spiritual nature. It is impossible to own a cat. They may allow you to take care of them and give them love, but only on their terms. Cats come and go as and when they wish to. Cat's medicine includes independence, unpredictability, healing, curiosity, many lives, magic, mystery, cleverness, the ability to fight when cornered, seeing the unseen, allows us to dream its dreams and protection. Love is represented by the cat. Cats have more rods in the retinas of their eyes which enable them to see very well in the dark. Darkness is often associated with mankind's fears. Since the cat is at home in the dark, it is a highly valuable ally into the world of the supernatural and the unknown. If cat is your power animal, you may have found an excellent assistant in moving through your fears. If cat appears in your life the blending of magic and mystery is close by. Like the cat, you too are independent and a free thinker. At night you probably feel energized. You will stay with a person or situation until you are bored - and then you're off again looking for something more interesting. Cat encourages agility in both body and mind. You will be presented with new ideas and places. The cat gives you clearer perception. You have good organizational skills. The cat teaches us that the physical and spiritual worlds are not separate, but one, and is a good assistant for meditation. A resourceful, strong and fearless spirit guide lending you courage and confidence. Examine the colors, character and behavior of the cat that has entered your life. Everything about it will be mirrored in your own life. The energy field of a cat rotates is a counter-clockwise direction, which is the opposite of a human energy field. Thus, cats have the ability to absorb and neutralize energy that affects humans in a negative way. This is part of the cats healing medicine. If something is affecting you in a negative way, place a cat on your lap or find a cat to pet. Your energy field will be realigned immediately and inner balance will be restored. Cat is a trustworthy teacher, guiding you into the world of self-discovery and transformation.
Cheetah - Symbol of Focus & Accelerating Time
Cheetah's medicine includes - speed and focus, brotherhood, elusiveness, ability to focus intently on something for a short period of time, swiftness, self-esteem, accelerating time, keenness of sight Different to other felines, who stalk, then swiftly jump on their prey for the kill, cheetahs, the fastest animals alive, run down their prey. The lesson to be learned here, the inspiration, is to fulfill our goals with speed and focus. When we feel stuck, cheetah energy can help us spring into motion. If we are moving with great speed but with little direction, cheetah medicine can help us to keep our eyes on our goals, to focus, and to find the most direct way of achieving them. Sometimes we must carefully consider all aspects of a plan to reach a goal. At other times, it may be necessary to be flexible and adaptable in rehashing plans. However, sometimes the most important thing to do is to act with both speed and focus. The goal is almost reached, but continually putting something off, or lack of clarity keeps one from accomplishing it. It is at times like this that cheetah medicine is extremely valuable. There is more wisdom to be taken from the cheetah's actions - there are those who want to accomplish their goals but who may take on too many goals at one time. Though the cheetah is able to reach speeds of up to 63 miles per hour, it can only maintain this incredible speed for a short period of time. Afterwards, it must rest for around 15 minutes. The cheetah period of rest teaches us that intense activity should always be followed by a time of rest, relaxation, and contemplation.
Chinchilla - Symbol of Effective Communication
Chinchillas belong to the rodent family and have big eyes, round ears and a dense, silky smooth coat. Their curiosity is incessant and never ending; they want to discover the smallest corner of their environment and like to sit up high as if to watch the world from above. Once feeling safe in their surroundings they investigate them with an air of innocence and adventure. Sadly because of their lovely coats they are caught, imprisoned and bred by the fur industry. Over 100 chinchillas are used for one coat. Again, sadly, because of the demand of chinchilla fur, it may soon become extinct. With their keen observational skills, the chinchilla knows impulsively when to act or withdraw. This teaches us the importance if timing, if you are a chinchilla person you will intuitively know just when to act and the right course of action to take. However, don’t become over-analytical. Finding the equilibrium between observation skills and an air of innocence is a valuable lesson. Chinchillas are naturally robust with a delicate yet effective digestive system made to get the most out of food. But, as they do not have a vomit mechanism they cannot get rid of bad food. If this is your power animal, take this as a warning that high quality nutrition as well as exercise are a must to maintain optimum health. Difficulty in ridding the body of toxins can be the cause of many health problems. To communicate the chinchilla mainly uses a variety of sounds. Each sound is a specific message - when upset teeth chattering, when nervous a shrill squeal, when distressed a succession of loud cries, when hungry a rasp like growl. They know how to use their voice to communicate, showing us the art of doing so efficiently. The chinchilla is a harbinger, and we should give it due respect and pay attention to the advice it brings. If you decide to listen you will be served well. Though they hold a variety of messages, one thing is for sure - if they come into your life there is bound to be something out of balance that needs correcting right away.
Some questions to ask yourself if chinchilla enters your life:
Do you communicate well with others? Do you need to pay more attention to your health? Do you need to be more clear sighted to elude sticky situations? Do you still marvel at the magic of life? By over analyzing an event do you take the pleasure away from it? Do you use your observational skills to assist you in obtaining your goals?
Cockroach/Beetle/Palmetto Bug - Symbol of Survival
Cockroach teaches the art of adaptability and ultimate survival instincts under any conditions making this creature an emotional and spiritual shapeshifter. He will teach perseverance and tenacity along with going with the flow of events. Cockroach applies determination and fortitude to survive in any event. The wisdom of Cockroach teaches how to keep in touch with the world around you, shows how to strengthen the vitality and the quickness of movement, ability to discern when and how to move, and make use of available resources. Are you looking into the recesses of spirit for Answers? Are you digging enough to find what is hidden? Are you adapting to recent circumstances as well as you could? It is time for cockroach to teach you the art of adapting and finding what is hidden. The Cockroach also teaches us how to use what we have available to us for survival, to clean out the dead and useless aspects of our lives. When the Cockroach appears as a totem, our sensitivity to subtle changes will be magnified. We will have the power to scurry out of danger. People with this totem often find that they had an abbreviated childhood – a premature movement into adulthood, the necessity to take on early responsibility. Although often seen as a disgusting animal, the Cockroach is actually a gifted teacher in the art of survival and successful adaptability, especially in environment that may seem a bit hostile. Cockroaches are beetles and bring the energy of beetles as well. Beetles aid in transformation, metamorphosis, resurrection and rebirth – rebirth of the soul to a new spiritual ideal and renewed devotion. This animal teaches harmony in the coming changes but utilizing your intuitive abilities and teaches discernment where you need it most. Beetles have a protective quality that will aid in the ability to socialize and communicate effectively by illuminating problems and situations in the correct perspective. Are you eating correctly? Now is the time to examine eating habits. Can you identify which stage of development you are in egg/larva/pupa/adult? Is it time to fly or walk in life? Beetle will teach persistence with charm, trust in the process, proper movement and actions which allows regeneration of your spirit to prosper.
Coyote - Symbol of Wisdom, Family Orientation & Illumination
Coyote's medicine includes understanding that all things are sacred and that yet nothing is sacred, teaching us that only when all masks have fallen will we connect with the source, illumination, stealth, intelligence, singing humans into being, childhood trust in truth, teaching us how to raise our young, they bring rain, give one the ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes, placing the North Star, shape-shifting, teaching balance between risk and safety, trickster, devilment, cunning, wisdom, folly. Among some native tribes, coyote is referred to as the trickster and there are many tales about the coyote. They are known as the great one and the foolish one - they don’t consciously try and trick us, rather they reflect back to us our own capacity for being clever and stupidity. When we are being too serious about life, Coyote may appear to teach us to laugh at ourselves and life’s ironies. Be prepared for your sense of humor to arise in full force in line with what is happening around you and to you. They also remind us that whatever we do to others will be done to us. You get back what you give out… The Coyote teaches how wisdom and folly go together. In others mistakes we see our own foolishness and can learn from their mistakes. The coyote’s energy is linked to simplicity and trust, spurring renewed innocence and a childlike wisdom in the world. Coyote's howl touches your soul, reminding you of your primal connections. People with this power animal adapt easily to new situations. They also usually have close families, especially when children are involved. Coyotes normally mate for life. They reside in the sides of hills or in underground dens where their family is pretty much safe. Coyote people will sometimes go to extremes to protect and nurture family members. Sharp cutting words that hurt another should be avoided. Energy bursts are common if this is your power animal, balanced action is necessary for overall well-being. Coyote medicine people often put other peoples’ needs before their own - remember to give to yourself equally. Although they prefer open grassland and thinly wooded brush, they are able to adapt to almost any environment. This means that they have been able to survive and flourish, growing in numbers - in spite of humans interference who for a long time have been trying to wipe out coyotes by trapping, shooting or poisoning them. Condors and other birds have instead almost become extinct from eating poisoned meat! When hunting prey, the coyotes don’t use speed, but rather they pounce and snap their jaws. If coyote enters your life, you must look at something you have been avoiding. They are mirrors for the lessons we must learn so we are able to walk a good sacred road. The mirror will be held up incessantly until we finally get the picture. Like coyote, we can either work with others to get what we want, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can dispel troubles or invite them carelessly. If you are stuck in a rut, call on coyote as an ally for negotiation. Or be grateful that he showed you a trap that you are caught in, or a way that you are fooling yourself. Powerful teachers when it comes to relationships coyotes are, as it is when we are in a relationship that we often fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out to get us, but to teach us, whether we are willing students or not.
Crow - Symbol of Sacred Law & Change
Many cultures consider crows to be the keepers of the Sacred Law, for nothing escapes their keen sight. To have a Crow as a power animal is extremely powerful stuff. When we meditate on the crow and align with it, we are instilled with the wisdom to know ourselves beyond the limitations of one-dimensional thinking and laws. We are taught to appreciate the many dimensions of both reality and ourselves, and to learn to trust our intuition and personal integrity. Crows often appear in groups, and though there seems to be no variation in their caw-ing to each other, each caw actually has a different meaning. Their complex vocabulary is one sign of their intelligence, and is also a sign of their significance as power animals. When a crow explores something new, others watch closely to see what happens and then learn from it. They often make great noise when hunters are around, warning deer and other birds. Crows recognize potential danger and hence always post lookouts when feeding. This is their most vulnerable time. This helps us understand that we must watch what we believe, to test our habitual ideas about reality against a more universal standard. Without paying careful attention, we are unable to understand the language of crows, this signifies the fact that we can't always see beyond our own cultural limitations. These limitations include certain moral codes of right and wrong, along with 'rules' that accompany these codes. Throughout history there have been many (unnecessary) conflicts and wars between humans due to differing moral and religious beliefs. To truly create a new age of love, peace and harmony it is of high importance for us to be able to transcend our particular cultural limitations and to hold in our hearts and souls what we share as spiritual beings in human form. We are all connected, infinitely and composed of the same 'stuff'. We need to realize that hurting others only hurts ourselves. Crow is the bird which represents this transcendence. Crow can also teach us to be mindful about judging people automatically. Be mindful of your opinions and actions. You need to walk your talk, to speak your truth and to know your life's mission. Again, trust your intuition and personal integrity, to create your own standards, whether or not they match those of the world around you. Be an individual, think for yourself, and don’t necessarily follow the crowd! In the courting process the male crow's voice takes on a singing quality. This lets us see what the basis of sacred law is, unconditional love, the one unfailing principle by which we can test our own principles. Crow is an omen of change. Crows live in the void and have no sense of time, therefore being able to see past, present and future simultaneously. They unite both the light and the dark, both the inner and the outer. Crow is the totem of the Great Spirit and must be held with utmost respected. They are representations of creation and spiritual strength. Crows are messengers, telling us about the creation and magic all around us, that is available to us just for the asking. Look for opportunities to bring into being the magic of life. The striking black color of the crow represents the color of creation. It is the womb out of which the new comes into existence. Black is the color of the night, giving birth to the light of a new day. Crows are sly and can be deceptive in their actions. They have been known to build false nests high in treetops to confuse predators. Their nests are built very high up, giving them the chance to watch everything that is going on around them. As crows are adaptable to all environments and will eat almost anything, they can survive in almost any situation. Crow is surrounded by magic, unseen forces and spiritual strength. If crow enters your life, get out of your familiar nest, look beyond your present range of vision, listen to the message(s) in its caw and act accordingly.