Badger - Symbol of Aggression & Self-Expression
Badger symbolizes aggressiveness, reliance, self-expression, holding one’s own, link to the underworld and the magic and mystery of creation, link to plant and animal spirits, fearlessness, boldness, braveness The power of the badger lies in is its aggressiveness and the readiness to fight for what it wants. On the flip side, the badger is also about healing - they are the keeper of Earth's healing herbs. Badger will persevere in finding a cure. People with this power animal are often healers and have the guts to use unconventional methods. Badgers are a member of the weasel family. They grow 2-3 feet long are around 12 inches high. As they have poor eyesight, family members often mark one another with scent. However, their sense of hearing and smell are excellent. Those with this power animal could do well in jobs that use sound as a healing tool. You may also need to develop clear sight, psychically and physically and not only depend on your other senses for survival.
People with this power animal also usually :
* are leaders and bosses and will get the job done. * quick to express their feelings with concern for the consequences. * likely to be solitary but comfortable and happy with themselves and their own company. * are self-reliant
When used correctly, this is a powerful power animal to have on your side! The badger is very domesticated - they keep their dens very clean and neat, replacing their bedding frequently, going backwards into their dens dragging the straw so they don’t make a mess. Badger bestows on you the gift of organisation and neatness. If they have entered your life then maybe you should focus on being orderly and neat in your daily life. You may also be shown how to handle your time better. Badgers are very compact and well-muscled, but they have loose skin which on the surface gives the a misleading look linking them to illusion. As the age old saying goes - what you see is not always what you get…. They have mightily strong jaws which symbolizes verbal prejudice. Words can be like a double sided sword, negative or positive - sharp, harsh, cutting, crushing or the pole opposites - soft, encouraging, kind, gentle, uplifting…. Badger people can do either or. They are fearless and fierce and if driven into a corner badgers will go at it tooth and nail and fight to the death! Very unsociable badgers are, so those with this medicine may find it hard relating to others, sneering at authority and holding their own in any given situation. One of their biggest tests would be being able to express themselves clearly. Being amazing diggers, badgers are able to get below ground with no difficulty, linking them to the underworld. This is where the mysteries and magic of life and creation is held. Also, this is symbolic of a powerful link to animal and plant spirits, and can show badger people how to get in balance and alignment with above and below ground.
Bat - Symbol of Rebirth
Bat's wisdom includes shamanic death and rebirth, initiation, viewing past lives, pollination of new ideas, transition, understanding grief, the use of vibrational sound, camouflage, invisibility, ability to observe unseen, and secrets. Shaman initiates go through a ritual death, sometimes with the aid of teacher plants and/or fasting. Here they confront their fears and are reborn without their old identities. Bats help us to release fear and patterns which no longer fits within our pattern of growth. Bat flying into your life signifies that transformation of the ego self is about to occur, the end of a way of life and the start of another. This transition can be very frightening for many, even just to think about. But you will not grow spiritually until you let go these old parts of you that are NOT NEEDED. Facing the darkness before you will help you find the light in rebirth. The bat gives you the wisdom required to make the appropriate changes for the birthing of your new identity. Bats have needle like teeth and can sometimes be rabies carriers, an infectious disease of the blood. It can cause a person to go mad. Fears that are permitted to spread, unchecked will in the end saturate our system, and can create a kind of madness within our lives. Bats reflect the need to face up to our fears. There are various species of bat, with widely diverse traits. There are small and large bats. With a couple of exceptions, large bats live on fruit and get around visually. Smaller bats mainly feed on insects, catching them on the wing using echolocation. This is where an animal makes sounds and listens for the echoes reflected from surfaces and objects in the environment. With their amazing auditory perception bats are able to navigate through the dark with great ease. They have built in sonar’s, which give them the ability to know what lies beneath the surface. Generally those with this power animal have uncanny abilities to discern hidden messages both from people and the environment. When one has mastered this medicine, intuitive and clairaudient abilities are accurate. Studies have been carried out on bats such as being put in a fridge. When this happens they immediately go into a hibernation mode. When taken back out and warmed up they are totally unharmed, unique for a warm blooded mammal. This shows that the bats life force is strong, and it regenerates it when needed. If this is your power animal, you would benefit from all types of yogic practices, especially those to do with awakening the Kundalini. Bat are extremely adaptable. All that has to do with them from their senses, feeding, flight and mating to size is perfectly matched to their particular environment. The message for you here may be to assess your surroundings to see what bounty is there for you for the taking and then adapting/changing patterns so you can receive it. Unbalanced bats will get ‘scrambled’ and perplexed, flying into things. Are you coming up against obstacles as you try and get what you need and want in life? If so the message for you here may be for you to take a step back to re-gain your bearings and decide the importance of what you are seeking. Bats are sociable animals which can indicate a need for more sociability or increased opportunity with greater numbers of people.
Bear - Symbol of Strength, Introspection, Knowledge, Dream Time & Transformation
Some anthropologists say that the Bear was one of the first animals to be revered by humans. Celtic tradition holds that the Primal Mother is the Bear goddess Artio, a fierce protector. Bear is also associated with the Goddess Artemis. Bear has been a figure in the forefront of many Native cultures. Beliefs state that the power of the Great Spirit lives through the bear, therefore making them highly sought after guides due to their fearless medicine. This belief led to a constellation to be named after it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear. Some traditions see Bear as the spirit keeper of the West, where harvests are abundant and maturity resides. Those who walk or live in areas where bears reside know -or may quickly learn- that the most dangerous animal in the woods is a bear mother protecting her cubs. If you have bear as power animal, you will most probably be quieter during the winter months, which is similar to the bear hibernating during the winter. But in the spring you must awaken to seek whatever opportunities arise. Be fearless in standing up for what you believe in. You are also encouraged to use your abilities as a natural healer. Bear is linked to trees, considered to be natural antennas, joining the heavens and the Earth. Bear also has ties to the seven color rays of the Universal Light, as well as Lunar associations, linking the conscious and subconscious mind. Hibernating during the cold winter months, means bears know instinctively when the time is right and where to go. They also know when to wake back up. From this we can see it is good to know and realize that we sometimes need to be alone, to ponder and reflect, to examine our thoughts and emotions, where we are headed on our life journey. We need to trust and follow our instincts. Bear is active day and night, not like other animals, symbolizing his connection with solar energy, strength and power, lunar energy and intuition. This enhances and teaches us how to develop these qualities within ourselves. Bear medicine teaches us introspection, aiding us to digest our experiences and to discover that we have within ourselves the answers to all our questions. We all have bags of wisdom, if only we slow down and listen to what our intuition, our inner knowing voice is telling us. It is useful to be with yourself at times, so you can be yourself and are able to uncover your own answers to whatever challenge you are facing. On the other hand, just like Bear you need to know when to come out of 'hibernation' and to interact with others. The female bear gives birth to the cubs while asleep. Due to this Bear is regarded as a symbol of the deepest inner wisdom, of the dream time and transformation. When giving ourselves over to sleep we become receptive to the Great Mother who nurtures us. As we delve deep into our identities and lose our egos, going back to our primal and elemental natures, we find we are part of Infinity and of All That Is/The Universe/One. Winter symbolizes darkness, death, and the inner world. Winter is a time of year which many humans fear. Much as they fear death. Yet an intrinsic part of the beauty of Bear, is its connection to the pattern of the stars during this season. The Druids associated the Pole Star of the constellation of the Great Bear, to King Arthur (whose name means Bear). During the Winter Solstice, the darkest night, the Pole Star guides us. Thus, when our world appears negative, dark and confused, when our physical senses and reason and logic seem to fail us, when it feels there is no path to follow, we go with-in to discover our deepest resources, and the light of inner knowing and intuition aids us in finding our way home. Sometimes bears are over confident and to quick to act on their fiery anger. Although possessing perhaps just a trace of fear they can forget caution, an important characteristic to own. If bear is you guide try not to forget caution. If you are unaware, or even disregard your limits, this can have consequences you may not want! If Bear crosses your path, pay attention to how you think, act and interact. Use discernment in everything you do and say, discriminate with care. You are shown how to make decisions from a place of power.
Beaver - Symbol of Group Mind, Master Creator & Builder
Beaver's medicine brings you the wisdom of creativity, maintaining the ability to be productive in all ways by not limiting your options, being persistent, using available resources, finding and using alternate ways of doing tasks, master builder of all things, not damming the flow of experiences in life, achievement through completion of tasks, understanding the dynamics of group work, protecting, cooperation, fertility and new promise. Beavers are good at teamwork and work together cooperatively to construct their homes. From beaver we can learn that we can create and make things a reality most effectively and powerfully when all involved appreciate every individual’s talents, and work together harmoniously. I’m sure most of you will have had many grand ideas, and for most of you the getting idea part is easy, but the problems have begun only when you have thought about actualizing these into physical reality…and then the ideas have faded, just like dreams often fade when one wakes up. This is where you will find beavers medicine to be of great assistance. The beaver is one of the leading creators in the animal kingdom. They get an idea of what their home and also dam should be like, then fell trees with their sharp teeth and build intricate structures with several entrances and exits. The many entrances and exits signify the importance of pliability when in the process of creation. Often when we imagine something we'd like to materialize in physical reality, we focus only on this vision. By doing this we forget that creativity doesn't finish, but begins with the vision, and that in the course of making something real we too change and grow. Often improvements are thought up whilst making a dream/vision reality. If you push these thoughts aside, you may find yourself stuck mid creation. Instead, bear these thoughts in mind and if you find it an improvement restructure your design accordingly, as the end product may be more awesome than you ever dreamed possible. Another lesson to be learned is that beavers possess a gift humans often lack - they use teamwork and cooperation to build their homes. Some refer to this as a group mind, a harmonious balance of communication and purpose, possible only when individual egos aren't meddling with it. A group mind is extremely close to the spirit of Oneness, reminding us that we all come from the same source, and that each individual in the world - no matter what species - is a unique expressions of the original creative energy. This does not mean an individual doesn't have contributions to make to a project, but working together in this way means appreciating that the coming together of minds creates a unification that for many creations is far more effective than individual efforts. The Beaver reminds us that we have to act on our dreams to bring them alive - it is time for action. If beaver has entered your life, it may be wise to ask yourself whether you have been neglecting your dreams? Are you lost in your dreams and not acting upon them? As before mentioned, beavers are expert builders. Their dams are built extremely strong and secure. If beaver has entered your life, you are being asked to strengthen the foundation on which you stand or to build a new one. If you continue to stand on old foundations, new opportunities may be missed. This is also linked to letting go of old, narrowing belief systems and allowing for refreshing change and new adventures. Because of their expertise, the building skills of beavers have been linked to ancient masonry. Often, people with this power animal have past lives associated with this magical art. Studying masonry can uncover deeper, hidden but not forgotten, insights about who you are and who you have been. Beavers are master engineers and transform environments. Their dams consist of wood held together with mud and leaves. Streams are changed into lakes with their dams. When they vacate an area, the dam gradually decomposes leaving a fertile meadow where the lake was. As well as working in harmony with each other, the beaver also knows how to work in harmony with the environment and can show us how to do the same. The large incisor teeth of the beaver are the most distinguishable feature - very symbolic. People with healthy incisor teeth usually have a balanced inner nature, obviously if unhealthy an unsettled inner nature is frequent. If Beaver is your power animal, do not neglect your teeth. Also, if don’t already have it, you need to develop a sense of inner peace. Meditation and quiet contemplation are useful tools to achieve this. Beavers are also fabulous swimmers, and can stay under water for up to15 minutes. They are good at controlling their breathing. If this is your power animal, yoga would suit you well, and any other breathing exercises. Beaver people often find they must work hard to fulfill their goals. Don’t forget to be kind and loving to yourself.
Black Panther - Symbol of Astral Travel, Feminine Energy, Death & Rebirth
Black Panther's Power Includes astral travel, guardian energy, symbol of the feminine, death and rebirth, understanding of death, reclaiming ones power, ability to know the dark, aggressiveness and power without solar influence, reclaiming Power. The Panther is a very ancient and powerful spirit guide. Their power is lunar (moon). In Egyptian rites a panther tail was worn around the neck or waist to help protect and strengthen the individual. Panther has been a symbol of the "Argos of a Thousand Eyes," who protected the heifer IO whom Zeus loved. After his death, the eyes were moved to the feathers of the peacock. The name panther is frequently linked with a certain species of leopard or jaguar and sometimes the cougar. Black panthers are smaller but more fierce than lions and tigers. They are also brilliant swimmers and agile climbers. Because they have the ability to sprint with great speed, they hold the teachings of quick decisive action. Panthers are not the best long distant runners though, so those with this power animal should take part in movement therapies that improve endurance, e.g. swimming, martial arts. It is necessary to learn how to pace oneself, to not push to fast or hard on any one task. Panthers are generally loners, extremely comfortable with themselves and are often drawn to other solitary people. Women with Panther, Leopard or Jaguar power animals frequently find themselves raising their children alone, whether it be through divorce or circumstance. People with this power animal can develop clairaudience, the ability to hear communications from other forms of life or dimensions. They must trust their thoughts and inner voice/visions as they are based in reality. This is an animal guide to assist you on your path, sometimes in the form of a real person such a mentor or teacher. The Black Panther is endowed with great magic and power, which will increasingly be experienced. Panthers have over 400 voluntary muscles that can be used at will when required. Panthers are able to move gracefully in and out of situations, as well as freeze and not be noticed. This is a symbol of the ability to shapeshift realities, using all parts of the body to perform a task. The gift of Panther is the power of silence. They are near silent when hunting or stalking prey, and know when to make themselves seen and when to become unseen. Panther holds the secrets of worlds that are unseen and are associated with lunar energies. Within the darkness of night resides the truth of creation. Black panthers have great mysticism associated with them. They represent the life and power of the night. They can show us how to welcome the darkness and rouse the light within it. Those with this power animal contain knowledge of a galactic origin, and have a responsibility to look after and respect this knowledge. Caution must be used when sharing it with others. When the student is ready the teacher appears, and vice versa. If the student isn't ripe the information given could trigger negative consequences. Panthers possess acute sensitivity. The hairs that cover their lithe bodies, especially on the face, pick up subtle vibrations. This is symbolic for those with this guide. It is an indication of a need to pay attention to their feelings and honor the messages those feelings transmit. Touch can be a significant path to explore to awaken ones concealed gifts. The black panthers sleek, smooth and sensual coat has been linked to sexuality. If panther comes into your life it may be asking you to resolve old sexual issues, or to embrace your sexuality fully. When experiencing the presence of panther, one of their most striking features is their unblinking stare. It seems to see right through the body. Those with panther medicine can use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level. Panther is a powerful guide to have, always bringing a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.
Buffalo/Bison - Symbol of Abundance
“Rumbling like thunder o'er the prairie,
Great herds of abundance, sharing with man,
I need your knowledge to meet life's challenges,
To survive and move on with my plans. “
Buffalo/Bison's medicine includes manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans. Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honoring every walk of life. Buffalo will assist you in establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky. and will ask that you help the endangered species in the world. Pray/meditate/focus on harmony and peace amongst all beings. Ask the universe for help, and be thankful for the gifts brought to you. Don’t be forceful or pushy, follow the easiest path. Buffalo will bestow you with strength of character and a free independent spirit. Buffalo teaches us that true prosperity comes when we are grateful for what we have and when we live in harmony and love with every body and being contained within the universe. You will live like buffalo when you know that abundance is present and when ALL relations are honored and known as sacred, when you express gratitude for all parts, all aspects of creation. The story of the White Buffalo Woman originates from the Lakota people, she taught them that all things are inter connected and that it is not necessary to struggle to have abundance. The one thing that is necessary, however, is to be connected with Spirit. Buffalo's relationship to the Native American People of the USA highlights these lessons. Every part of this animal was used, right down to the hooves, which were used to make glue. Buffalo gave others the gift of life by sacrificing its own. Food and hides for clothing and shelter were provided. Prior to a buffalo hunt, prayers of gratitude were offered up to great spirit by the tribes. Post hunt, ceremonies were performed that honored the buffalo's spirit. Without the buffalo these tribes would not have survived the harsh winters. This is just one lesson of abundance - use whatever resources are available. On a deeper level, one must appreciate what one already has. How often do you focus on what is lacking in your life rather than counting your blessings? How much richer are our lives when we are truly thankful MEANINGFULLY for what we have? This sends out a powerful message to the universe. Our beliefs and attitude towards our connectedness to every thing, and also sends out powerful messages to the universe. When we realize that we are all part of a One, each individually unique, each absolutely necessary for the whole, but a drop in the ocean, we will realize that abundance - which refers not only to health, happiness, friendships, and much more - does not have to come from our individual striving. Once we are open to receive, miracles can come from the most unexpected sources. Buffalo shows us how to stop focusing on problems and how to instead concentrate on how much we have and on how rich we are in terms of our connectedness to every thing. Buffalo have large heads that symbolize intelligence of a higher order, their strong bodies ground them to the earth. They are the uniting force between things earthly and un-earthly. Both the male and female buffalo possess horns and humped shoulders. In humans, the shoulders store our personal energy which expresses itself through our hands. Anything we physically touch or hold on to is linked to our personal energy. Shoulders bear responsibility as well as positive or negative emotions. Whatever is felt inside is projected to the outside. I’m sure you are familiar with the saying, and maybe have even said it yourselves - ‘I feel like I’m carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.’ There is often truth in old sayings… buffalo will show you how to free yourself from your burdens by focusing your energy in a balanced way. The horns grow toward the sky, hinting at a connection with a higher intelligence. Humps are often symbolic of stored energy kept within the body. When protecting themselves against danger, the females will form a defensive circle around the calves, and the males will form a circle around the cows. This symbolizes the buffalo's mutual respect for all, their communal family sense, and their natural instinct to protect, defend and honor life. When provoked, the buffalo can be unpredictable and dangerous. Buffalo people need to be reminded to see the good in all things and not to let their frustration store up inside of them. Tai Chi or martial arts would be beneficial on a daily basis to let of steam, de-stress, maintain balance, find focus and peace of mind.
Bumblebee - Symbol of Community, Sun & Personal Power
The ancient Druids saw the bee as symbolizing the sun, the Goddess, celebration, and community. At festivals, mead was usually drunk - the main ingredient of which is fermented honey. In later Christian times, monks lived in beehive-shaped huts, which represented the aim of a harmonious community - whether it included oneself and Spirit or others as well. Bumblebees usually have fewer individuals in their colonies and store less honey compared with the honeybee. Bumblebees are one of few insects that have the ability to control their body temperature. The queen bee and her workers can shiver their flight muscles to warm themselves in cold weather. This allows them to fly and work at lower temperatures than most other insects. They are also kept warm by their large size and hairy coat. Some yogi masters are able to slow their heartbeat and adjust their body temperatures when in an altered state. This ability is associated to the ancient initiations of mastering the body, mind and spirit. Those with this power animal more often than not have strong past life connections to the ancient secrets of longevity and can benefit from yoga. They also make good hypnotherapists. ALL bees are productive, they stay focused on whatever they are doing and do not get sidetracked from their goal. Their legs are one of their most sensitive organs- they actually use them to taste. We are being reminded by the bee to slow down, to smell the flowers and taste the sweet nectar of life. Those with this power animal may have hypoglycemia and diabetes. Hence, regular exercise and good nutrition is advisable. The bumblebee is a highly important pollinator of many plants, they hold the power of service. When landing upon a flower to collect its nectar, pollen also attaches itself to the leg. This is then passed on to other flowers, creating a fertilization process. Their movement from one plant to plant represents the interconnectedness of all living things. The bumblebee is a messenger bringing the secrets of life and service. If this is your power animal and your energy is scattered, the bumblebee can show you how to become focused once more. If you are stung, the message here is - WAKE UP and follow the rhythm of your own heartbeat. Listen to your true self, your higher self. Heed your inner voice and wisdom. If bumblebee finds you, you must follow its lead. If you do this you will come to the destination most suited for your new life awakening.
Butterfly - Symbol of Change, The Soul, Creativity, Freedom, Joy & Color
Native Americans see the butterfly as a symbol of joy. Feeding on the flowers they help pollinate, they further spread beauty. Butterflies eyes consist of thousands of individual lenses. This gives them the gift of being able to see a single image clearly. They can perceive ultraviolet wavelengths of light, suggesting clairvoyant abilities for those with Butterfly as power animal. The antennae of the butterfly has small knobs on each end which are said to aid orientation. If an antenna is missing the butterfly will fly in circles unable to find its way. If butterfly is your ally you need to remain consciously connected to spirit at all times so you may fulfill your goals. Butterfly is the symbol of change, the soul, creativity, freedom, joy and color. Their power is transformation, shape shifting and soul evolution. They represent the element of air, quickly changing and always on the move gracefully. Butterflies are messengers of the moment and come in a wide array of colors. Studying these colors can help you uncover butterflies message to you. It reminds us not to take things too seriously and to get up and move. They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to be a traumatic experience. It can be joyous. Butterflies possess the ability to grow and change, leaving the safety of their cocoon to discover a new world in a new form without fear, trusting their untested wings to fly without a doubt in their minds. They work through many important stages to become the beautiful creature they are. Similar to the butterfly, we too are always moving through different stages, each equally as vital. It is no good rushing to a particular stage, nor is it good getting stuck at a stage and becoming stagnant. Butterfly is a potent symbol for those considering, or in the throes of, a big change. Butterfly is also one of the most inspiring symbols of the animal world, knowing precisely the time to leave the comfort and limitation of its cocoon, flying freely into the world. Quite frequently, we are not so certain. The cocoon of our thoughts and fears may be limiting, they are also safe and familiar. We can become afraid of what may be outside of our limiting thoughts and belief systems, trapping us and holding us back from ourselves, from our dreams and desires, from our unlimited potential. We can learn how to move on, how to grow from and improve a situation by finding out which stage we are at. This may be the egg stage, the beginning - where an idea is born and not yet reality. The larvae stage is when you physically get your idea going, usually involving preparation such as planning. The cocoon stage entails developing your ideas, project or talent. The ultimate stage of transformation is coming out of the chrysalis, the birth of the butterfly. This last stage is about sharing the colors and ecstasy of your creation with the rest of the world. Remember that we are always evolving, growing and that we are always at one of these stages. Figure out which stage you are at, whether you need more time to complete one stage before being ready going on to the next. Be careful not to rush, nor get stuck either. Not all change feels deliberate; it can be very subtle, such as losing a job and then circumstances pushing you in to a new direction. There may have been things going on within you, getting you ready for a change subconsciously, that you didn't even recognize. If you are feeling insecure and unsure of what is going on in your life right now, then look back over what has been going on in your life recently or even long ago. Have you ever wished that you had a different job? Of changing career? Are you able to see that on some level your wishes are coming true? I’m sure you will remember the good old saying 'be careful what you wish for..' What you focus on, is sure to manifest. Butterfly can help you see that exiting the cocoon suddenly opens a new door, that there is power in trust and vulnerability. No more than you does a butterfly know whether it can fly, but it opens its wings in perfect confidence, and discovers that their delicacy allow its graceful flight, its dance in the air. When we understand that transformation can be as natural as breathing, when we take ourselves lightly, when we trust in our own untried wings to support us, we learn the message of Butterfly, life itself is a joyous dance. Dance brings us the sweetness of life. The four stages of the butterflies growth are parallel to the development of our first forming a thought to manifesting it in the outer world. Understanding that change can be as natural as breathing. We mustn't be so hard on ourselves, trusting that our own untried wings will bear our weight. This is when we receive the Butterflies gift: life itself is extraordinary and amazing. If Butterfly has found you, take note of the most important issues in your life and see what needs to be changed. If an eco-system becomes damaged, butterfly is usually first to leave, as they are highly sensitive to the harmony of the earth. If butterfly finds you and is unwell, hurt or caught, this is an indication that you must stop disturbing the natural design of life and to flow with events in a more gentle and natural manner.
Badger symbolizes aggressiveness, reliance, self-expression, holding one’s own, link to the underworld and the magic and mystery of creation, link to plant and animal spirits, fearlessness, boldness, braveness The power of the badger lies in is its aggressiveness and the readiness to fight for what it wants. On the flip side, the badger is also about healing - they are the keeper of Earth's healing herbs. Badger will persevere in finding a cure. People with this power animal are often healers and have the guts to use unconventional methods. Badgers are a member of the weasel family. They grow 2-3 feet long are around 12 inches high. As they have poor eyesight, family members often mark one another with scent. However, their sense of hearing and smell are excellent. Those with this power animal could do well in jobs that use sound as a healing tool. You may also need to develop clear sight, psychically and physically and not only depend on your other senses for survival.
People with this power animal also usually :
* are leaders and bosses and will get the job done. * quick to express their feelings with concern for the consequences. * likely to be solitary but comfortable and happy with themselves and their own company. * are self-reliant
When used correctly, this is a powerful power animal to have on your side! The badger is very domesticated - they keep their dens very clean and neat, replacing their bedding frequently, going backwards into their dens dragging the straw so they don’t make a mess. Badger bestows on you the gift of organisation and neatness. If they have entered your life then maybe you should focus on being orderly and neat in your daily life. You may also be shown how to handle your time better. Badgers are very compact and well-muscled, but they have loose skin which on the surface gives the a misleading look linking them to illusion. As the age old saying goes - what you see is not always what you get…. They have mightily strong jaws which symbolizes verbal prejudice. Words can be like a double sided sword, negative or positive - sharp, harsh, cutting, crushing or the pole opposites - soft, encouraging, kind, gentle, uplifting…. Badger people can do either or. They are fearless and fierce and if driven into a corner badgers will go at it tooth and nail and fight to the death! Very unsociable badgers are, so those with this medicine may find it hard relating to others, sneering at authority and holding their own in any given situation. One of their biggest tests would be being able to express themselves clearly. Being amazing diggers, badgers are able to get below ground with no difficulty, linking them to the underworld. This is where the mysteries and magic of life and creation is held. Also, this is symbolic of a powerful link to animal and plant spirits, and can show badger people how to get in balance and alignment with above and below ground.
Bat - Symbol of Rebirth
Bat's wisdom includes shamanic death and rebirth, initiation, viewing past lives, pollination of new ideas, transition, understanding grief, the use of vibrational sound, camouflage, invisibility, ability to observe unseen, and secrets. Shaman initiates go through a ritual death, sometimes with the aid of teacher plants and/or fasting. Here they confront their fears and are reborn without their old identities. Bats help us to release fear and patterns which no longer fits within our pattern of growth. Bat flying into your life signifies that transformation of the ego self is about to occur, the end of a way of life and the start of another. This transition can be very frightening for many, even just to think about. But you will not grow spiritually until you let go these old parts of you that are NOT NEEDED. Facing the darkness before you will help you find the light in rebirth. The bat gives you the wisdom required to make the appropriate changes for the birthing of your new identity. Bats have needle like teeth and can sometimes be rabies carriers, an infectious disease of the blood. It can cause a person to go mad. Fears that are permitted to spread, unchecked will in the end saturate our system, and can create a kind of madness within our lives. Bats reflect the need to face up to our fears. There are various species of bat, with widely diverse traits. There are small and large bats. With a couple of exceptions, large bats live on fruit and get around visually. Smaller bats mainly feed on insects, catching them on the wing using echolocation. This is where an animal makes sounds and listens for the echoes reflected from surfaces and objects in the environment. With their amazing auditory perception bats are able to navigate through the dark with great ease. They have built in sonar’s, which give them the ability to know what lies beneath the surface. Generally those with this power animal have uncanny abilities to discern hidden messages both from people and the environment. When one has mastered this medicine, intuitive and clairaudient abilities are accurate. Studies have been carried out on bats such as being put in a fridge. When this happens they immediately go into a hibernation mode. When taken back out and warmed up they are totally unharmed, unique for a warm blooded mammal. This shows that the bats life force is strong, and it regenerates it when needed. If this is your power animal, you would benefit from all types of yogic practices, especially those to do with awakening the Kundalini. Bat are extremely adaptable. All that has to do with them from their senses, feeding, flight and mating to size is perfectly matched to their particular environment. The message for you here may be to assess your surroundings to see what bounty is there for you for the taking and then adapting/changing patterns so you can receive it. Unbalanced bats will get ‘scrambled’ and perplexed, flying into things. Are you coming up against obstacles as you try and get what you need and want in life? If so the message for you here may be for you to take a step back to re-gain your bearings and decide the importance of what you are seeking. Bats are sociable animals which can indicate a need for more sociability or increased opportunity with greater numbers of people.
Bear - Symbol of Strength, Introspection, Knowledge, Dream Time & Transformation
Some anthropologists say that the Bear was one of the first animals to be revered by humans. Celtic tradition holds that the Primal Mother is the Bear goddess Artio, a fierce protector. Bear is also associated with the Goddess Artemis. Bear has been a figure in the forefront of many Native cultures. Beliefs state that the power of the Great Spirit lives through the bear, therefore making them highly sought after guides due to their fearless medicine. This belief led to a constellation to be named after it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear. Some traditions see Bear as the spirit keeper of the West, where harvests are abundant and maturity resides. Those who walk or live in areas where bears reside know -or may quickly learn- that the most dangerous animal in the woods is a bear mother protecting her cubs. If you have bear as power animal, you will most probably be quieter during the winter months, which is similar to the bear hibernating during the winter. But in the spring you must awaken to seek whatever opportunities arise. Be fearless in standing up for what you believe in. You are also encouraged to use your abilities as a natural healer. Bear is linked to trees, considered to be natural antennas, joining the heavens and the Earth. Bear also has ties to the seven color rays of the Universal Light, as well as Lunar associations, linking the conscious and subconscious mind. Hibernating during the cold winter months, means bears know instinctively when the time is right and where to go. They also know when to wake back up. From this we can see it is good to know and realize that we sometimes need to be alone, to ponder and reflect, to examine our thoughts and emotions, where we are headed on our life journey. We need to trust and follow our instincts. Bear is active day and night, not like other animals, symbolizing his connection with solar energy, strength and power, lunar energy and intuition. This enhances and teaches us how to develop these qualities within ourselves. Bear medicine teaches us introspection, aiding us to digest our experiences and to discover that we have within ourselves the answers to all our questions. We all have bags of wisdom, if only we slow down and listen to what our intuition, our inner knowing voice is telling us. It is useful to be with yourself at times, so you can be yourself and are able to uncover your own answers to whatever challenge you are facing. On the other hand, just like Bear you need to know when to come out of 'hibernation' and to interact with others. The female bear gives birth to the cubs while asleep. Due to this Bear is regarded as a symbol of the deepest inner wisdom, of the dream time and transformation. When giving ourselves over to sleep we become receptive to the Great Mother who nurtures us. As we delve deep into our identities and lose our egos, going back to our primal and elemental natures, we find we are part of Infinity and of All That Is/The Universe/One. Winter symbolizes darkness, death, and the inner world. Winter is a time of year which many humans fear. Much as they fear death. Yet an intrinsic part of the beauty of Bear, is its connection to the pattern of the stars during this season. The Druids associated the Pole Star of the constellation of the Great Bear, to King Arthur (whose name means Bear). During the Winter Solstice, the darkest night, the Pole Star guides us. Thus, when our world appears negative, dark and confused, when our physical senses and reason and logic seem to fail us, when it feels there is no path to follow, we go with-in to discover our deepest resources, and the light of inner knowing and intuition aids us in finding our way home. Sometimes bears are over confident and to quick to act on their fiery anger. Although possessing perhaps just a trace of fear they can forget caution, an important characteristic to own. If bear is you guide try not to forget caution. If you are unaware, or even disregard your limits, this can have consequences you may not want! If Bear crosses your path, pay attention to how you think, act and interact. Use discernment in everything you do and say, discriminate with care. You are shown how to make decisions from a place of power.
Beaver - Symbol of Group Mind, Master Creator & Builder
Beaver's medicine brings you the wisdom of creativity, maintaining the ability to be productive in all ways by not limiting your options, being persistent, using available resources, finding and using alternate ways of doing tasks, master builder of all things, not damming the flow of experiences in life, achievement through completion of tasks, understanding the dynamics of group work, protecting, cooperation, fertility and new promise. Beavers are good at teamwork and work together cooperatively to construct their homes. From beaver we can learn that we can create and make things a reality most effectively and powerfully when all involved appreciate every individual’s talents, and work together harmoniously. I’m sure most of you will have had many grand ideas, and for most of you the getting idea part is easy, but the problems have begun only when you have thought about actualizing these into physical reality…and then the ideas have faded, just like dreams often fade when one wakes up. This is where you will find beavers medicine to be of great assistance. The beaver is one of the leading creators in the animal kingdom. They get an idea of what their home and also dam should be like, then fell trees with their sharp teeth and build intricate structures with several entrances and exits. The many entrances and exits signify the importance of pliability when in the process of creation. Often when we imagine something we'd like to materialize in physical reality, we focus only on this vision. By doing this we forget that creativity doesn't finish, but begins with the vision, and that in the course of making something real we too change and grow. Often improvements are thought up whilst making a dream/vision reality. If you push these thoughts aside, you may find yourself stuck mid creation. Instead, bear these thoughts in mind and if you find it an improvement restructure your design accordingly, as the end product may be more awesome than you ever dreamed possible. Another lesson to be learned is that beavers possess a gift humans often lack - they use teamwork and cooperation to build their homes. Some refer to this as a group mind, a harmonious balance of communication and purpose, possible only when individual egos aren't meddling with it. A group mind is extremely close to the spirit of Oneness, reminding us that we all come from the same source, and that each individual in the world - no matter what species - is a unique expressions of the original creative energy. This does not mean an individual doesn't have contributions to make to a project, but working together in this way means appreciating that the coming together of minds creates a unification that for many creations is far more effective than individual efforts. The Beaver reminds us that we have to act on our dreams to bring them alive - it is time for action. If beaver has entered your life, it may be wise to ask yourself whether you have been neglecting your dreams? Are you lost in your dreams and not acting upon them? As before mentioned, beavers are expert builders. Their dams are built extremely strong and secure. If beaver has entered your life, you are being asked to strengthen the foundation on which you stand or to build a new one. If you continue to stand on old foundations, new opportunities may be missed. This is also linked to letting go of old, narrowing belief systems and allowing for refreshing change and new adventures. Because of their expertise, the building skills of beavers have been linked to ancient masonry. Often, people with this power animal have past lives associated with this magical art. Studying masonry can uncover deeper, hidden but not forgotten, insights about who you are and who you have been. Beavers are master engineers and transform environments. Their dams consist of wood held together with mud and leaves. Streams are changed into lakes with their dams. When they vacate an area, the dam gradually decomposes leaving a fertile meadow where the lake was. As well as working in harmony with each other, the beaver also knows how to work in harmony with the environment and can show us how to do the same. The large incisor teeth of the beaver are the most distinguishable feature - very symbolic. People with healthy incisor teeth usually have a balanced inner nature, obviously if unhealthy an unsettled inner nature is frequent. If Beaver is your power animal, do not neglect your teeth. Also, if don’t already have it, you need to develop a sense of inner peace. Meditation and quiet contemplation are useful tools to achieve this. Beavers are also fabulous swimmers, and can stay under water for up to15 minutes. They are good at controlling their breathing. If this is your power animal, yoga would suit you well, and any other breathing exercises. Beaver people often find they must work hard to fulfill their goals. Don’t forget to be kind and loving to yourself.
Black Panther - Symbol of Astral Travel, Feminine Energy, Death & Rebirth
Black Panther's Power Includes astral travel, guardian energy, symbol of the feminine, death and rebirth, understanding of death, reclaiming ones power, ability to know the dark, aggressiveness and power without solar influence, reclaiming Power. The Panther is a very ancient and powerful spirit guide. Their power is lunar (moon). In Egyptian rites a panther tail was worn around the neck or waist to help protect and strengthen the individual. Panther has been a symbol of the "Argos of a Thousand Eyes," who protected the heifer IO whom Zeus loved. After his death, the eyes were moved to the feathers of the peacock. The name panther is frequently linked with a certain species of leopard or jaguar and sometimes the cougar. Black panthers are smaller but more fierce than lions and tigers. They are also brilliant swimmers and agile climbers. Because they have the ability to sprint with great speed, they hold the teachings of quick decisive action. Panthers are not the best long distant runners though, so those with this power animal should take part in movement therapies that improve endurance, e.g. swimming, martial arts. It is necessary to learn how to pace oneself, to not push to fast or hard on any one task. Panthers are generally loners, extremely comfortable with themselves and are often drawn to other solitary people. Women with Panther, Leopard or Jaguar power animals frequently find themselves raising their children alone, whether it be through divorce or circumstance. People with this power animal can develop clairaudience, the ability to hear communications from other forms of life or dimensions. They must trust their thoughts and inner voice/visions as they are based in reality. This is an animal guide to assist you on your path, sometimes in the form of a real person such a mentor or teacher. The Black Panther is endowed with great magic and power, which will increasingly be experienced. Panthers have over 400 voluntary muscles that can be used at will when required. Panthers are able to move gracefully in and out of situations, as well as freeze and not be noticed. This is a symbol of the ability to shapeshift realities, using all parts of the body to perform a task. The gift of Panther is the power of silence. They are near silent when hunting or stalking prey, and know when to make themselves seen and when to become unseen. Panther holds the secrets of worlds that are unseen and are associated with lunar energies. Within the darkness of night resides the truth of creation. Black panthers have great mysticism associated with them. They represent the life and power of the night. They can show us how to welcome the darkness and rouse the light within it. Those with this power animal contain knowledge of a galactic origin, and have a responsibility to look after and respect this knowledge. Caution must be used when sharing it with others. When the student is ready the teacher appears, and vice versa. If the student isn't ripe the information given could trigger negative consequences. Panthers possess acute sensitivity. The hairs that cover their lithe bodies, especially on the face, pick up subtle vibrations. This is symbolic for those with this guide. It is an indication of a need to pay attention to their feelings and honor the messages those feelings transmit. Touch can be a significant path to explore to awaken ones concealed gifts. The black panthers sleek, smooth and sensual coat has been linked to sexuality. If panther comes into your life it may be asking you to resolve old sexual issues, or to embrace your sexuality fully. When experiencing the presence of panther, one of their most striking features is their unblinking stare. It seems to see right through the body. Those with panther medicine can use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level. Panther is a powerful guide to have, always bringing a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.
Buffalo/Bison - Symbol of Abundance
“Rumbling like thunder o'er the prairie,
Great herds of abundance, sharing with man,
I need your knowledge to meet life's challenges,
To survive and move on with my plans. “
Buffalo/Bison's medicine includes manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, abundance, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans. Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honoring every walk of life. Buffalo will assist you in establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky. and will ask that you help the endangered species in the world. Pray/meditate/focus on harmony and peace amongst all beings. Ask the universe for help, and be thankful for the gifts brought to you. Don’t be forceful or pushy, follow the easiest path. Buffalo will bestow you with strength of character and a free independent spirit. Buffalo teaches us that true prosperity comes when we are grateful for what we have and when we live in harmony and love with every body and being contained within the universe. You will live like buffalo when you know that abundance is present and when ALL relations are honored and known as sacred, when you express gratitude for all parts, all aspects of creation. The story of the White Buffalo Woman originates from the Lakota people, she taught them that all things are inter connected and that it is not necessary to struggle to have abundance. The one thing that is necessary, however, is to be connected with Spirit. Buffalo's relationship to the Native American People of the USA highlights these lessons. Every part of this animal was used, right down to the hooves, which were used to make glue. Buffalo gave others the gift of life by sacrificing its own. Food and hides for clothing and shelter were provided. Prior to a buffalo hunt, prayers of gratitude were offered up to great spirit by the tribes. Post hunt, ceremonies were performed that honored the buffalo's spirit. Without the buffalo these tribes would not have survived the harsh winters. This is just one lesson of abundance - use whatever resources are available. On a deeper level, one must appreciate what one already has. How often do you focus on what is lacking in your life rather than counting your blessings? How much richer are our lives when we are truly thankful MEANINGFULLY for what we have? This sends out a powerful message to the universe. Our beliefs and attitude towards our connectedness to every thing, and also sends out powerful messages to the universe. When we realize that we are all part of a One, each individually unique, each absolutely necessary for the whole, but a drop in the ocean, we will realize that abundance - which refers not only to health, happiness, friendships, and much more - does not have to come from our individual striving. Once we are open to receive, miracles can come from the most unexpected sources. Buffalo shows us how to stop focusing on problems and how to instead concentrate on how much we have and on how rich we are in terms of our connectedness to every thing. Buffalo have large heads that symbolize intelligence of a higher order, their strong bodies ground them to the earth. They are the uniting force between things earthly and un-earthly. Both the male and female buffalo possess horns and humped shoulders. In humans, the shoulders store our personal energy which expresses itself through our hands. Anything we physically touch or hold on to is linked to our personal energy. Shoulders bear responsibility as well as positive or negative emotions. Whatever is felt inside is projected to the outside. I’m sure you are familiar with the saying, and maybe have even said it yourselves - ‘I feel like I’m carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.’ There is often truth in old sayings… buffalo will show you how to free yourself from your burdens by focusing your energy in a balanced way. The horns grow toward the sky, hinting at a connection with a higher intelligence. Humps are often symbolic of stored energy kept within the body. When protecting themselves against danger, the females will form a defensive circle around the calves, and the males will form a circle around the cows. This symbolizes the buffalo's mutual respect for all, their communal family sense, and their natural instinct to protect, defend and honor life. When provoked, the buffalo can be unpredictable and dangerous. Buffalo people need to be reminded to see the good in all things and not to let their frustration store up inside of them. Tai Chi or martial arts would be beneficial on a daily basis to let of steam, de-stress, maintain balance, find focus and peace of mind.
Bumblebee - Symbol of Community, Sun & Personal Power
The ancient Druids saw the bee as symbolizing the sun, the Goddess, celebration, and community. At festivals, mead was usually drunk - the main ingredient of which is fermented honey. In later Christian times, monks lived in beehive-shaped huts, which represented the aim of a harmonious community - whether it included oneself and Spirit or others as well. Bumblebees usually have fewer individuals in their colonies and store less honey compared with the honeybee. Bumblebees are one of few insects that have the ability to control their body temperature. The queen bee and her workers can shiver their flight muscles to warm themselves in cold weather. This allows them to fly and work at lower temperatures than most other insects. They are also kept warm by their large size and hairy coat. Some yogi masters are able to slow their heartbeat and adjust their body temperatures when in an altered state. This ability is associated to the ancient initiations of mastering the body, mind and spirit. Those with this power animal more often than not have strong past life connections to the ancient secrets of longevity and can benefit from yoga. They also make good hypnotherapists. ALL bees are productive, they stay focused on whatever they are doing and do not get sidetracked from their goal. Their legs are one of their most sensitive organs- they actually use them to taste. We are being reminded by the bee to slow down, to smell the flowers and taste the sweet nectar of life. Those with this power animal may have hypoglycemia and diabetes. Hence, regular exercise and good nutrition is advisable. The bumblebee is a highly important pollinator of many plants, they hold the power of service. When landing upon a flower to collect its nectar, pollen also attaches itself to the leg. This is then passed on to other flowers, creating a fertilization process. Their movement from one plant to plant represents the interconnectedness of all living things. The bumblebee is a messenger bringing the secrets of life and service. If this is your power animal and your energy is scattered, the bumblebee can show you how to become focused once more. If you are stung, the message here is - WAKE UP and follow the rhythm of your own heartbeat. Listen to your true self, your higher self. Heed your inner voice and wisdom. If bumblebee finds you, you must follow its lead. If you do this you will come to the destination most suited for your new life awakening.
Butterfly - Symbol of Change, The Soul, Creativity, Freedom, Joy & Color
Native Americans see the butterfly as a symbol of joy. Feeding on the flowers they help pollinate, they further spread beauty. Butterflies eyes consist of thousands of individual lenses. This gives them the gift of being able to see a single image clearly. They can perceive ultraviolet wavelengths of light, suggesting clairvoyant abilities for those with Butterfly as power animal. The antennae of the butterfly has small knobs on each end which are said to aid orientation. If an antenna is missing the butterfly will fly in circles unable to find its way. If butterfly is your ally you need to remain consciously connected to spirit at all times so you may fulfill your goals. Butterfly is the symbol of change, the soul, creativity, freedom, joy and color. Their power is transformation, shape shifting and soul evolution. They represent the element of air, quickly changing and always on the move gracefully. Butterflies are messengers of the moment and come in a wide array of colors. Studying these colors can help you uncover butterflies message to you. It reminds us not to take things too seriously and to get up and move. They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to be a traumatic experience. It can be joyous. Butterflies possess the ability to grow and change, leaving the safety of their cocoon to discover a new world in a new form without fear, trusting their untested wings to fly without a doubt in their minds. They work through many important stages to become the beautiful creature they are. Similar to the butterfly, we too are always moving through different stages, each equally as vital. It is no good rushing to a particular stage, nor is it good getting stuck at a stage and becoming stagnant. Butterfly is a potent symbol for those considering, or in the throes of, a big change. Butterfly is also one of the most inspiring symbols of the animal world, knowing precisely the time to leave the comfort and limitation of its cocoon, flying freely into the world. Quite frequently, we are not so certain. The cocoon of our thoughts and fears may be limiting, they are also safe and familiar. We can become afraid of what may be outside of our limiting thoughts and belief systems, trapping us and holding us back from ourselves, from our dreams and desires, from our unlimited potential. We can learn how to move on, how to grow from and improve a situation by finding out which stage we are at. This may be the egg stage, the beginning - where an idea is born and not yet reality. The larvae stage is when you physically get your idea going, usually involving preparation such as planning. The cocoon stage entails developing your ideas, project or talent. The ultimate stage of transformation is coming out of the chrysalis, the birth of the butterfly. This last stage is about sharing the colors and ecstasy of your creation with the rest of the world. Remember that we are always evolving, growing and that we are always at one of these stages. Figure out which stage you are at, whether you need more time to complete one stage before being ready going on to the next. Be careful not to rush, nor get stuck either. Not all change feels deliberate; it can be very subtle, such as losing a job and then circumstances pushing you in to a new direction. There may have been things going on within you, getting you ready for a change subconsciously, that you didn't even recognize. If you are feeling insecure and unsure of what is going on in your life right now, then look back over what has been going on in your life recently or even long ago. Have you ever wished that you had a different job? Of changing career? Are you able to see that on some level your wishes are coming true? I’m sure you will remember the good old saying 'be careful what you wish for..' What you focus on, is sure to manifest. Butterfly can help you see that exiting the cocoon suddenly opens a new door, that there is power in trust and vulnerability. No more than you does a butterfly know whether it can fly, but it opens its wings in perfect confidence, and discovers that their delicacy allow its graceful flight, its dance in the air. When we understand that transformation can be as natural as breathing, when we take ourselves lightly, when we trust in our own untried wings to support us, we learn the message of Butterfly, life itself is a joyous dance. Dance brings us the sweetness of life. The four stages of the butterflies growth are parallel to the development of our first forming a thought to manifesting it in the outer world. Understanding that change can be as natural as breathing. We mustn't be so hard on ourselves, trusting that our own untried wings will bear our weight. This is when we receive the Butterflies gift: life itself is extraordinary and amazing. If Butterfly has found you, take note of the most important issues in your life and see what needs to be changed. If an eco-system becomes damaged, butterfly is usually first to leave, as they are highly sensitive to the harmony of the earth. If butterfly finds you and is unwell, hurt or caught, this is an indication that you must stop disturbing the natural design of life and to flow with events in a more gentle and natural manner.