Eagle - Symbol of Spirit, Vision & Strength
Eagle's medicine includes swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, keen sight, illumination of Spirit, healing, creation, knowledge of magic, ability to see hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the spiritual, ability to see the overall pattern/big picture, connection to spirit guides and teachers and higher truths, great power and balance, dignity with grace, intuitive and creative spirit, respect for the boundaries of the regions, grace achieved through knowledge and hard work. Us earthbound humans have for time unknown been inspired by the sight of eagles soaring high in the sky. In ancient Greece the eagle was associated with Zeus, who sometimes shape shifted into one so he could hurl his thunderbolts. In some Native American belief systems the eagle symbolizes the Thunderbird, also associated with thunder and lightning. The eagle is a sacred messenger, carrying our prayers on its wings to the Creator/All That Is/Spirit, and returning with gifts and visions for the people. Eagle feathers assist medicine people/shamans in connecting with Spirit for healing. They are deemed the most sacred healing tools, a symbol of power, healing and wisdom. The eagle is also linked to the sun in Gaelic lore, having been called in the Gaelic language Suil-na-Greine, Eye of the Sun. As well as its ties with the powerful energies of the sky, Eagle holds a deeper meaning. From eagle we learn that life looks different from an aerial perspective. We need to take a new view on the challenges in our lives. If we don't readily find solutions it may be because our vision is too limited to see the solutions that are so glaringly obvious. Tying in with this thread of thought, one of the lessons to be learned from eagle is not to depend exclusively on intellectual solutions. Through its connection to the air element, eagle is connected to intelligence, but also to Spirit, the knowing that goes far beyond intellect. Some of Eagles powers are independence, vision and strength. We can see why the eagle has been, and still is, revered. The eagle’s home is the freedom of the sky. He spends most of his time fearlessly flying high above, bridging heaven and earth, scanning below carefully. Their vision is 8 times stronger than humans, enabling them to see prey miles off. Weighing less than a domestic cat, Eagles strength has nothing to do with his size. Their feet and talons are stronger than a human hand, able to soar down with precision grabbing hold of their prey, mid-flight. Eagle’s beak is connected to his jaw and the strongest part of his body. It is designed for breaking and crushing. We are reminded to pay attention to our speech and how it affects others. What we say and tone of our voice should be examined. We mainly use our jaws for speaking. The lesson here is to control what we say, how much and when. Uncontrolled talk makes it easy to hurt someone verbally, to break or crush them with your words. The vision they possess helps us learn to take a step back and view the bigger picture. We need to view the past and the present objectively, whilst looking towards the future. We need to open our minds and hearts to see past old, restricting beliefs that are holding us back. Eagle teaches us to courageously face our fear of the unknown, so we are then able to fly as high as our heart's joy can take us. Your strengths need to be utilized wisely and remember, to soar like Eagle you must view things with caution, being confident and trusting your abilities. Eagle is also linked with courage. To give up our limited perspectives, to release ourselves from comfortable, familiar thought patterns, even when they don't appear to be working, and fly into a larger world requires that we are brave enough to enter unknown realms. This is further emphasized by Native American and Celtic tales, of shamans and druids who shape shifted into eagles. Mental and emotional shape shifting is sometimes necessary if we want to grow and learn. As with all things there are risks involved in allowing our beings to assume new forms, however the rewards are greater. Eagle asks us to recognize that the earth is not our only home, as well for us to join it in the flight to our true home - the world of Spirit. Eagles are majestic and bear a powerful presence. They can be social birds, but they do need isolation from human intrusion to breed in the wild. If a human comes to close or touches their nest, they are very likely to abandon it. Both the male and female eagles incubate the eggs and share the duties of raising their young. The eagle is an incredibly patient being, often perching in a tree, holding the same position for hours on end. Those with this power animal are shown how to master the art of patience in every area of their life. For within the energy of patience all things are possible. Eagle teaches us how to go through life without becoming attached to anything, how to accept what comes our way and see everything as a gift from the universe. With their acute hearing they hunt as much by ear as by sight. If eagle soars into your life, the ability to hear spiritually and psychically will awaken. Eagle reminds us to communicate with All That Is on a daily basis, so the gifts offered you can be utilized fully. Keeping this up removes judgments from our consciousness. When we cease to judge, we speak with encouragement and kindness towards others. Lessons that are linked with judgment are part of this medicine and sure to be coming your way. If Eagle is your power animal, you feel the need to have an involvement with creation, a willingness to experience extremes, a willingness to use your abilities, a willingness to seek out your true emotions. You must become much more than you ever imagined would be possible. Eagle symbolizes a state of being that is reached through inner work, understanding and passing the initiation tests that come about from reclaiming our personal power. Eagle is the gift of clear vision with which one can truly see, to live in balance with heaven and Earth. Eagle shows you how to look above so you are able to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the Shadow as much as the Light. You are being asked to give yourself permission to be free in order to reach the joy that your heart longs for.
Elephant - Symbol of Commitment, Royalty & Strength
Elephant's medicine includes strength, royalty, connection to ancient wisdom, removal of obstacles and barriers, confidence, patience, using education opportunities, commitment, gentleness, communicating in relationships, discernment, intelligence, and compassion. If this is your animal guide, these virtues are a part of your natural character. By applying them in your life soul evolution is accomplished. Throughout history elephants have been revered. They are most intelligent creatures, and honored by many cultures. As well as being the largest land animals, they are also among the longest lived, with life spans of 60+ years. In Buddhist tradition, the Buddha picked the form of a white elephant as one of his many incarnations, thus the rare appearance of a white elephant is still heralded as a manifestation of the gods. The Hindu god Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, has the head of an elephant. Elephants can teach us that gentleness, commitment, and communication in relationships is very powerful and necessary to keep relationships alive, trusting and loving, whether it be friends, family or partner. Deeply committed to all creatures with whom they have relationships, elephants are tough when protecting others and gentle when nurturing them. The matriarch (the oldest, most experienced female leader of a herd) leads in a way that is both gentle and inclusive. Elephants are able to communicate telepathically. This can teach us how to truly listen to others. Elephants are so similar, yet so different to our own species. We have so much to learn from them! Elephants have emotions that are comparable to human - love, joy, jealousy, rage. Just like humans, young elephants are dependent on their mums, until they reach adulthood. The general lifespan of an elephant also closely parallels that of humans. When a baby is born, the entire community gathers around the mother and newborn and rumble with joy. This is equivalent to tears rolling down their faces. Just like human babies, elephants learn about getting along in the physical environment. For instance, elephant calves have to learn the many ways in which their trunks can be used. The newborn elephant is born into a community of love. Calves have more than one mother so to speak, as all are willing, eager teachers, from the matriarch, to her offspring and their young. They want to nurture, protect and help the youngest among them develop. They also teach first time mothers how to develop their own nurturing skills. Loyal and affectionate elephants would risk their lives for the sake of others in a family group. Wild elephants have been known to grieve and even shed tears when a family member has passed away. Elephants have amazing memories and when mistreated they often seek revenge. Elephants show us that by supporting and loving one another, our own ability to thrive in the physical world is enhanced. We learn from them to pass on the gift of nurturing we received in our early years, be it from our biological family or others who helped us grow into who we are now. We must honor the elders of our community and nurture the young. Like the elephant, we need to help ease the transitions of those who are going into adulthood with gentle love, wisdom, patience and compassion. By having open hearts and minds, we can create strong relationships within the community, therefore building a strong community. Elephants communicate telepathically with herd members as well as other elephants. As we choose to become closer and more open with those dear to us, our ability to understand them can deepen to a level that transcends speech. Having an elephant totem gives you ancient wisdom and power to draw upon. They are the embodiment of strength and power. People with this power animal often have a very strong sex drive. Through using fragrances and incense, elephant can take you to new energies and power. Generally speaking elephant people are very affectionate toward family, caring for the young and the elderly. They also usually have an inborn knowledge about plants and roots. Elephants give us insights into the power of the three feminine energies - child, mother and old wise woman. Although elephants weigh A LOT, they walk almost noiselessly, with exceptionally graceful and rhythmic striding. Their hearing, smell, touch and taste is very keen/sensitive. This makes up for their poor eyesight. In relation to their big heads, their eyes are very small and can only turn slightly from side to side. This results in restricted side vision. Those with this power animal feel things deeply and respond to those feelings from a place of inner knowing. Because their vision is limited they tend to look straight ahead and can’t always see what going on around them. Learning to shift our focus to view the whole is helpful. Elephants have just 4 teeth, all molars, 2 toward the front of the mouth and 2 toward the back. When the front ones wear down, they drop out and the 2 at the back come forward. Then 2 new molars grow in the back of the mouth to replace those that have moved forward. The back molars are able to be replaced 6 times throughout their life. When the last set wear out, they can no longer chew and die of starvation. Teeth are very symbolic, and are considered receivers and transmitters of energy linked by connecting paths throughout the astral body. As the elephant is extremely intelligent, those with this power animal would make excellent researchers and alternative scientists. Elephant tusks point backwards. They use them as weapons and for digging edible roots. From a spiritual point of view this hints at an ability to uncover the hidden memories and bring them to the fore for evaluation and healing. Let go.
Elk - Symbol of Stamina, Strength & Agility
Elk’s medicine includes stamina, strength, sensual passion, respecting those of your gender, ability to pace oneself in tasks, agility, and nobility. Elks’ medicine will teach us how to make the best use of our energy, helping us to take on no more than we need to accomplish, and to persist on our chosen route until we have fulfilled our goals. Don't try to rush - pace yourself. You may not necessarily be the first to arrive, but you will arrive without being burnt out. Possessing tremendous stamina, elks are able to run for a very long time. They are powerful with strong reflexes, responding speedily to anything that appears on their path. Elks are very alert and can sense danger the moment it arrives and can show us how to become more observant of subtle energies. Elks are temperamental and unpredictable, subdued one moment and aggressive the next. If Elk is your power animal, you will probably feel the need for companionship or group support. You do not have to do everything by yourself; help is just around the corner waiting for you if you just ask for it. You may also have a need for high energy levels and this can be accomplished through your diet. Eating mostly vegetarian ORGANIC foods will give you strength without stress. Avoid sugar (and artificial sweeteners) totally if you can. Eat vitamin rich foods. Raw food diets are a good one to follow. Drink LOTS of water and herbal teas. If you find yourself becoming fatigued and sluggish, adjust your diet and in a few days, you will recover your stamina. Also - don't forget to recharge yourself with some personal quiet time. Elk live in big herds and are rarely seen alone. They enjoy the company of their own kind, but they do need their own space. Elk don't graze during night time. If a herd is attacked they will scatter to the four winds to confuse a predator. The art of survival is part of the elks teachings. If cornered they can turn pretty dangerous. Adult bulls with a full set of antlers are a match for any animal that tries to cross them, including a bear. People with this power animal need a sacred space to go to now and again in order to keep their energy balanced. Like deer, elks have competitions to see who will mate with the does. However, unlike the deer, elk will fight very aggressively and often draw blood or worse. If you have Elk medicine, and possess aggressive tendencies, you must learn to keep these under control and look for fairness in all you do. Your aggressive tendencies may not be visible to your conscious mind, but when you are provoked or feel threatened/cornered these tendencies surface unexpectedly. The majestic elk deserves, no, demands respect. Beholding a full-grown elk, with its winter coat, standing tall and looking fierce is a true wonder. Elk shares its regal demeanor with us; if this is your power animal you most probably often find yourselves on center stage both in your personal and professional life. Generally people with this power animal have past life associations connected to royalty. If Elk medicine is fully developed within a person a strong self-image is expressed. Elk may also be telling you to work on the way you conduct yourself, and to carry yourself with pride and power. This doesn't mean you should be egotistical, for elk knows that its true power comes from the universe/all that is. It uses the gifts it has been given, using them to its advantage. Another aspect of elks’ power is strength and empowerment. If you need to be impressive in a situation, you can draw on elks’ power. If you are shy or unsure, elk can aid you to become more confident.
Eagle's medicine includes swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, keen sight, illumination of Spirit, healing, creation, knowledge of magic, ability to see hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the spiritual, ability to see the overall pattern/big picture, connection to spirit guides and teachers and higher truths, great power and balance, dignity with grace, intuitive and creative spirit, respect for the boundaries of the regions, grace achieved through knowledge and hard work. Us earthbound humans have for time unknown been inspired by the sight of eagles soaring high in the sky. In ancient Greece the eagle was associated with Zeus, who sometimes shape shifted into one so he could hurl his thunderbolts. In some Native American belief systems the eagle symbolizes the Thunderbird, also associated with thunder and lightning. The eagle is a sacred messenger, carrying our prayers on its wings to the Creator/All That Is/Spirit, and returning with gifts and visions for the people. Eagle feathers assist medicine people/shamans in connecting with Spirit for healing. They are deemed the most sacred healing tools, a symbol of power, healing and wisdom. The eagle is also linked to the sun in Gaelic lore, having been called in the Gaelic language Suil-na-Greine, Eye of the Sun. As well as its ties with the powerful energies of the sky, Eagle holds a deeper meaning. From eagle we learn that life looks different from an aerial perspective. We need to take a new view on the challenges in our lives. If we don't readily find solutions it may be because our vision is too limited to see the solutions that are so glaringly obvious. Tying in with this thread of thought, one of the lessons to be learned from eagle is not to depend exclusively on intellectual solutions. Through its connection to the air element, eagle is connected to intelligence, but also to Spirit, the knowing that goes far beyond intellect. Some of Eagles powers are independence, vision and strength. We can see why the eagle has been, and still is, revered. The eagle’s home is the freedom of the sky. He spends most of his time fearlessly flying high above, bridging heaven and earth, scanning below carefully. Their vision is 8 times stronger than humans, enabling them to see prey miles off. Weighing less than a domestic cat, Eagles strength has nothing to do with his size. Their feet and talons are stronger than a human hand, able to soar down with precision grabbing hold of their prey, mid-flight. Eagle’s beak is connected to his jaw and the strongest part of his body. It is designed for breaking and crushing. We are reminded to pay attention to our speech and how it affects others. What we say and tone of our voice should be examined. We mainly use our jaws for speaking. The lesson here is to control what we say, how much and when. Uncontrolled talk makes it easy to hurt someone verbally, to break or crush them with your words. The vision they possess helps us learn to take a step back and view the bigger picture. We need to view the past and the present objectively, whilst looking towards the future. We need to open our minds and hearts to see past old, restricting beliefs that are holding us back. Eagle teaches us to courageously face our fear of the unknown, so we are then able to fly as high as our heart's joy can take us. Your strengths need to be utilized wisely and remember, to soar like Eagle you must view things with caution, being confident and trusting your abilities. Eagle is also linked with courage. To give up our limited perspectives, to release ourselves from comfortable, familiar thought patterns, even when they don't appear to be working, and fly into a larger world requires that we are brave enough to enter unknown realms. This is further emphasized by Native American and Celtic tales, of shamans and druids who shape shifted into eagles. Mental and emotional shape shifting is sometimes necessary if we want to grow and learn. As with all things there are risks involved in allowing our beings to assume new forms, however the rewards are greater. Eagle asks us to recognize that the earth is not our only home, as well for us to join it in the flight to our true home - the world of Spirit. Eagles are majestic and bear a powerful presence. They can be social birds, but they do need isolation from human intrusion to breed in the wild. If a human comes to close or touches their nest, they are very likely to abandon it. Both the male and female eagles incubate the eggs and share the duties of raising their young. The eagle is an incredibly patient being, often perching in a tree, holding the same position for hours on end. Those with this power animal are shown how to master the art of patience in every area of their life. For within the energy of patience all things are possible. Eagle teaches us how to go through life without becoming attached to anything, how to accept what comes our way and see everything as a gift from the universe. With their acute hearing they hunt as much by ear as by sight. If eagle soars into your life, the ability to hear spiritually and psychically will awaken. Eagle reminds us to communicate with All That Is on a daily basis, so the gifts offered you can be utilized fully. Keeping this up removes judgments from our consciousness. When we cease to judge, we speak with encouragement and kindness towards others. Lessons that are linked with judgment are part of this medicine and sure to be coming your way. If Eagle is your power animal, you feel the need to have an involvement with creation, a willingness to experience extremes, a willingness to use your abilities, a willingness to seek out your true emotions. You must become much more than you ever imagined would be possible. Eagle symbolizes a state of being that is reached through inner work, understanding and passing the initiation tests that come about from reclaiming our personal power. Eagle is the gift of clear vision with which one can truly see, to live in balance with heaven and Earth. Eagle shows you how to look above so you are able to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the Shadow as much as the Light. You are being asked to give yourself permission to be free in order to reach the joy that your heart longs for.
Elephant - Symbol of Commitment, Royalty & Strength
Elephant's medicine includes strength, royalty, connection to ancient wisdom, removal of obstacles and barriers, confidence, patience, using education opportunities, commitment, gentleness, communicating in relationships, discernment, intelligence, and compassion. If this is your animal guide, these virtues are a part of your natural character. By applying them in your life soul evolution is accomplished. Throughout history elephants have been revered. They are most intelligent creatures, and honored by many cultures. As well as being the largest land animals, they are also among the longest lived, with life spans of 60+ years. In Buddhist tradition, the Buddha picked the form of a white elephant as one of his many incarnations, thus the rare appearance of a white elephant is still heralded as a manifestation of the gods. The Hindu god Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, has the head of an elephant. Elephants can teach us that gentleness, commitment, and communication in relationships is very powerful and necessary to keep relationships alive, trusting and loving, whether it be friends, family or partner. Deeply committed to all creatures with whom they have relationships, elephants are tough when protecting others and gentle when nurturing them. The matriarch (the oldest, most experienced female leader of a herd) leads in a way that is both gentle and inclusive. Elephants are able to communicate telepathically. This can teach us how to truly listen to others. Elephants are so similar, yet so different to our own species. We have so much to learn from them! Elephants have emotions that are comparable to human - love, joy, jealousy, rage. Just like humans, young elephants are dependent on their mums, until they reach adulthood. The general lifespan of an elephant also closely parallels that of humans. When a baby is born, the entire community gathers around the mother and newborn and rumble with joy. This is equivalent to tears rolling down their faces. Just like human babies, elephants learn about getting along in the physical environment. For instance, elephant calves have to learn the many ways in which their trunks can be used. The newborn elephant is born into a community of love. Calves have more than one mother so to speak, as all are willing, eager teachers, from the matriarch, to her offspring and their young. They want to nurture, protect and help the youngest among them develop. They also teach first time mothers how to develop their own nurturing skills. Loyal and affectionate elephants would risk their lives for the sake of others in a family group. Wild elephants have been known to grieve and even shed tears when a family member has passed away. Elephants have amazing memories and when mistreated they often seek revenge. Elephants show us that by supporting and loving one another, our own ability to thrive in the physical world is enhanced. We learn from them to pass on the gift of nurturing we received in our early years, be it from our biological family or others who helped us grow into who we are now. We must honor the elders of our community and nurture the young. Like the elephant, we need to help ease the transitions of those who are going into adulthood with gentle love, wisdom, patience and compassion. By having open hearts and minds, we can create strong relationships within the community, therefore building a strong community. Elephants communicate telepathically with herd members as well as other elephants. As we choose to become closer and more open with those dear to us, our ability to understand them can deepen to a level that transcends speech. Having an elephant totem gives you ancient wisdom and power to draw upon. They are the embodiment of strength and power. People with this power animal often have a very strong sex drive. Through using fragrances and incense, elephant can take you to new energies and power. Generally speaking elephant people are very affectionate toward family, caring for the young and the elderly. They also usually have an inborn knowledge about plants and roots. Elephants give us insights into the power of the three feminine energies - child, mother and old wise woman. Although elephants weigh A LOT, they walk almost noiselessly, with exceptionally graceful and rhythmic striding. Their hearing, smell, touch and taste is very keen/sensitive. This makes up for their poor eyesight. In relation to their big heads, their eyes are very small and can only turn slightly from side to side. This results in restricted side vision. Those with this power animal feel things deeply and respond to those feelings from a place of inner knowing. Because their vision is limited they tend to look straight ahead and can’t always see what going on around them. Learning to shift our focus to view the whole is helpful. Elephants have just 4 teeth, all molars, 2 toward the front of the mouth and 2 toward the back. When the front ones wear down, they drop out and the 2 at the back come forward. Then 2 new molars grow in the back of the mouth to replace those that have moved forward. The back molars are able to be replaced 6 times throughout their life. When the last set wear out, they can no longer chew and die of starvation. Teeth are very symbolic, and are considered receivers and transmitters of energy linked by connecting paths throughout the astral body. As the elephant is extremely intelligent, those with this power animal would make excellent researchers and alternative scientists. Elephant tusks point backwards. They use them as weapons and for digging edible roots. From a spiritual point of view this hints at an ability to uncover the hidden memories and bring them to the fore for evaluation and healing. Let go.
Elk - Symbol of Stamina, Strength & Agility
Elk’s medicine includes stamina, strength, sensual passion, respecting those of your gender, ability to pace oneself in tasks, agility, and nobility. Elks’ medicine will teach us how to make the best use of our energy, helping us to take on no more than we need to accomplish, and to persist on our chosen route until we have fulfilled our goals. Don't try to rush - pace yourself. You may not necessarily be the first to arrive, but you will arrive without being burnt out. Possessing tremendous stamina, elks are able to run for a very long time. They are powerful with strong reflexes, responding speedily to anything that appears on their path. Elks are very alert and can sense danger the moment it arrives and can show us how to become more observant of subtle energies. Elks are temperamental and unpredictable, subdued one moment and aggressive the next. If Elk is your power animal, you will probably feel the need for companionship or group support. You do not have to do everything by yourself; help is just around the corner waiting for you if you just ask for it. You may also have a need for high energy levels and this can be accomplished through your diet. Eating mostly vegetarian ORGANIC foods will give you strength without stress. Avoid sugar (and artificial sweeteners) totally if you can. Eat vitamin rich foods. Raw food diets are a good one to follow. Drink LOTS of water and herbal teas. If you find yourself becoming fatigued and sluggish, adjust your diet and in a few days, you will recover your stamina. Also - don't forget to recharge yourself with some personal quiet time. Elk live in big herds and are rarely seen alone. They enjoy the company of their own kind, but they do need their own space. Elk don't graze during night time. If a herd is attacked they will scatter to the four winds to confuse a predator. The art of survival is part of the elks teachings. If cornered they can turn pretty dangerous. Adult bulls with a full set of antlers are a match for any animal that tries to cross them, including a bear. People with this power animal need a sacred space to go to now and again in order to keep their energy balanced. Like deer, elks have competitions to see who will mate with the does. However, unlike the deer, elk will fight very aggressively and often draw blood or worse. If you have Elk medicine, and possess aggressive tendencies, you must learn to keep these under control and look for fairness in all you do. Your aggressive tendencies may not be visible to your conscious mind, but when you are provoked or feel threatened/cornered these tendencies surface unexpectedly. The majestic elk deserves, no, demands respect. Beholding a full-grown elk, with its winter coat, standing tall and looking fierce is a true wonder. Elk shares its regal demeanor with us; if this is your power animal you most probably often find yourselves on center stage both in your personal and professional life. Generally people with this power animal have past life associations connected to royalty. If Elk medicine is fully developed within a person a strong self-image is expressed. Elk may also be telling you to work on the way you conduct yourself, and to carry yourself with pride and power. This doesn't mean you should be egotistical, for elk knows that its true power comes from the universe/all that is. It uses the gifts it has been given, using them to its advantage. Another aspect of elks’ power is strength and empowerment. If you need to be impressive in a situation, you can draw on elks’ power. If you are shy or unsure, elk can aid you to become more confident.